Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Deep Inside

Say WHAOOO to my eyebag- 2008


Headache is like getting more ripe with me..On and off it will happen once in a while..Is not the minor one, on the other hand it can really pain until vomit..

I tried it today when i wanted to jog at Taman Tar..Im kinda admired of myself still can walk 3/4 with the pain..wanted to throw up for few times but failed..ended up makan asam to cure it..

Thanks my friends who take care of me :D

I have a good day..dont count the headache thing as well lar..


Chuck told me a very interesting story..A story knows that how the way of your thinking :

A wife gave her husband rm5..and the husband decided to use the money for gamble..and he win win win, gamble gamble gamble,win win win, until he become a millionaire..

So the small small gamble place dont accept him anymore..and he went to casino for gamble..but than he lose lose lose,gamble gamble gamble,lose lose lose, until he become what he suppose to be..

So what you will think? Will you think that he lose everything?He just lose the rm5? Or any other answer?

If you think that he lose everything that he won..and very sad..But do change to another side and think : He start gamble from the rm5, so he just lose the rm5..that's all..Without the rm5 he cant be millionaire either..

Correct huh? It seems work for me :)



rodney said...

lui bao...u having the pain on the same spot on ur head or wat?? if yes, then is migraine

for the story i tot u will ask is it worth to gamble after become a millionaire..LOL

rodney said...

and yes, always think the other way..see things in a diff point of view..i always tell u this remember? ;-)

Esther, 21 said...

Always the same spot lo..but what course migraine? Becuase seems like i dont have any stress lately but still headcahe..LOL haha correct also :D


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